Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Olusola Wins NBC Sing-Off

Kevin Olusola MC '11, beatboxer and cellist, just won NBC's "The Sing-Off" with his group Pentatonix on the show's season finale Nov. 28.

The a cappella group requested Kevin join them in the competition after hearing his beatboxing. Sadly, Kevin could not also assist the Whiffenpoofs, who could not generate the necessary appeal to advance on the show.

Check out the Pentatonix performing a cover of Florence And the Machine's "Dog Days Are Over" on the show's semi-finals.

But even more impressive than this televised victory is Kevin's cello, vocal and beatbox single "Void of a Legend" with Antoinette Costa.

Download it on itunes here.


1 comment:

  1. Check out his new track with Antoniette & Tara Kamangar that hit today.
