Friday, April 29, 2011

2 Newsic events + 4 artforms=1 SIC Friday

Hey, muses!

How’s that math studying going?

Who cares? It’s Friday! (DON’T start singing.)

But luckily there’s some better music for you this weekend than Rebecca Black.


First. The music composition seminar class (the one everyone takes over and over that lets you write your own music, and take lessons and generally do yo thang---totes taking this next fall) is teaming up with the dance choreography class (similar I’m guessing but for dance) in a show at 2pm in Stiles-Morse Crescent Theater. The show is by Y.C. New Music and is called “QUOTED.”

This is all kinds of good news.

(I feel like I should know who this funnylookingdude is...)

Pretty much every legit campus composer is going to have a piece in this show. I can’t promise these pieces will be as much fun as Jamestown was at Spring Fling—these composers are studying modern classical composition—at Yale often minimalistic with lots of dissonances. Their pieces are usually quite interesting though if you make yourself pay attention (it helps when you have to write about them after) ‘cuz they usually try to make them fun by doing all kinds of experimental stuff (like playing the instruments in unconventional ways or adding electronics).

A metronome beats in the musicians ears to keep them playing in time with an electronic recording. (I took this photo with my fav YDN canon 7D. Thanks, YDN!)

The dancing should be amazing. I know because my friend Amymarie has been stressing over this show for months.

“Zoe, I still need to choreograph 17 minutes by next week, and we only have four minutes of music! Not that I blame the composers because we haven’t done anything either. OMG.”

Amymarie is obsessed with dance (obsessed might be an understatement here actually) and is super legit, so I’m pretty excited to see all the crazy things the dancer peeps will do with their bodies.

Amymarie being awesome in the Groove show earlier this month.

If you like new music (newsic) go. If your friends are in it go (I shouldn’t have to tell you this). If you want to feel cultured, go. If you want to see siiiiiick dancing, go. If you want to party and sing to Rebecca Black, don’t go. This show should be really impressive but academic, since both the music and dance pieces are for class.

We’re still at 1 + 1 here…so I’d say there’s more??

SIC InC has two shows of SIC synChromatic left. Today (Friday) at 9pm and Saturday at 8pm in the Off Broadway Theater. Tiks are $5, reserve here. I went yesterday, so I’m going to review the show for you now. (in next post) I was speaking with my suitemates at lunch today and they didn’t know what SIC InC was, and I almost hyperventilated. But I’m fine now, so I’ll explain in the review in case you also don’t know.

But let’s finish off this equation. The SIC show involves painting AND film as well as awesome newsic compositions. Whoah. Sooooo artsy.


So this yields…SIC InC show + "QUOTED" + newsic + dance + painting + film = 2+4 = ITS FRIDAY!



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