Saturday, October 22, 2011

From your hosts...

Your Underbrook hosts are taking the stage tonight.

If you’re reading this, then you clearly value music on campus (or maybe you just think I’m cute and funny…or maybe I forced you to), so going to this show should be a matter of principle — of respect for the three individuals who have given you something to do with your Saturday night that enriches your musical side.

Principles aside you are clearly going to this show for its content as well.

Expect to hear your old favorite and plenty of new songs from the new album Nolan says is about halfway finished.

You already know that Plume Giant is amazing. So I don’t need to tell you how their well-crafted three-part vocal harmonies sustain and release tension so that you can almost taste the dissonances, how the high energy fiddle solos and well-grounded guitar parts move the songs effortlessly along, or how this campus loves Eliza, Nolan and Oliver as musicians, as patrons of the arts, and as people.

So I’m going to talk about Carline Smith and the Good Night Sleeps now.

This group is a lot of fun to listen to and a tasteful example of genre mixing. I’m not certain how their electronic and new wave aspects will translate to Underbrook’s setting, but the show should bring out their folkier elements. It’s clean, fun music that will keep you interested.

Bands go on at 8 in Saybrook entryway H. Don’t miss a second.

See you soon,


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